Art Contest at Boston University



Project Duration:

One Week


Second Place Winner

The Contest

My Entry


On the application form, we were asked to write about our piece and describe how it brings positivity to the viewer. I submitted the following:

"Especially during times of crisis, I find positivity and comfort in my communities. Now that most people are self-isolating and maintaining physical distance, it is more important than ever to band together to support each other and the most vulnerable. Asian-American communities are among one of the earliest and most severely impacted groups in our society, both economically and socially, as a result of the recent outbreak. I was inspired to make my artwork after seeing several uplifting social media posts of people encouraging support for local businesses, sewing face masks to donate to hospitals, etc. It was very healing to me to see that even in struggling times, people were willing to go beyond for others. Through my artwork, I also wish to inspire viewers to be kind and realize that their actions as an individual can make a world of difference to someone else. In my short story, the grandmother carries a heavy burden running her restaurant with no customers. Although it is hard, she pushes through each day for her family. One day, a large group of people band together to show their support for their local Chinatown, deciding to stop by the grandmother’s restaurant. The grandmother is overwhelmed by their love and support. Knowing that she is not alone and has a community behind her, the grandmother is finally able to let her feelings out and confront the troubles that have been weighing on her heart. Of course, during these times we are unable to physically gather to show our support, but there are so many different ways to bring positivity to someone’s life. I hope that this short story can inspire people to spare some kindness and spread positivity to those who need it."

This project was the first time I ever illustrated a full comic, which I accomplished using Illustrator and Photoshop. Although trying to complete this within a week was a bit stressful, I had a lot of fun exploring a new way to express myself. Throughout the process, I was able to pick up new useful skills which I will be applying in my future projects.